Subj : New to Synchronet
To   : LaRRy LaGoMoRpH
From : echicken
Date : Sun Nov 09 2014 12:39 pm

 Re: New to Synchronet
 By: LaRRy LaGoMoRpH to Android8675 on Fri Nov 07 2014

LL> need to be updated, it could be a conscious choice to make people
LL> venture onto a BBS and irc to get the low-down.  How CoA administrates

That's basically the thinking at this point.

LL> itself or determines how it wants to find members is up to them, but
LL> there are probably more straightforward ways of starting an application
LL> process like submitting a form.

True, but if the current sign-up process is too confusing or takes too much
effort for somebody, then it is serving as a filter for now. :D

It's likely that in the new year we will revise the membership process, and it
will become mostly automated.  A few other bits and pieces need to fall into
place before then, and we're busy with other stuff for now.  At this point
setup is just a matter of running an installation script, so I'd like to make
it so that people can join the network with little to no manual intervention on
my part.

LL> Third, there isn't very much content/information on the website anyways
LL> and there are useless parts that are just uninviting.  Like the footer

The website is sparse, but I'm not sure what all to put on there.  It explains
the system, tells you how to join ... so it's basically doing its job.
Screenshots of some of the features in action, maybe?  I dunno.  Suggestions

LL> and there are useless parts that are just uninviting.  Like the footer
LL> is just a middle finger to everyone in the world.  While I don't
LL> neccessarily have a problem with that, in the long run what does that
LL> footer really accomplish? If it had some context it might be ok, hell,

The footer is the only really useless and potentially uninviting thing I can
think of.  If there's something else, please let me know.

The text in the footer is our slogan, and is a joke.  I suppose I often forget
that some people take offense to things that barely even register on me.  Oh
well. :D

electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230