Subj : Windows Telnet...
To   : Digital Man
From : mark lewis
Date : Tue Nov 04 2014 11:37 pm

On Tue, 04 Nov 2014, Digital Man wrote to mark lewis:

> i just tried it on max's system exactly like you show above... no
> amount of mashing on any of the enter keys worked to get past that
> "press enter to continue" prompt...
>  DM> Perhaps you're running an older version of Synchronet?
> possibly... max hasn't updated that synchronet install in several
> months...

DM> What version are you/he running then?

3.16 i think... whatever it is that's in CVS since 2012 Dec 08... i think max
has done 4 or 5 CVS updatessince then... i know that at least one update was
done incorrectly and it took a day to recover from but since then max wrote a
script to do it properly... they just don't update the system but once every
few months or so... the last update was severalmonths ago so it is probably
about time for them to update again ;)

> we're not even sure if the past updates from CVS have gone properly
> because of some sort of framebuffer error when running the jsexec
> tool to update the javascript files :/ there is no framebuffer on
> the nix system that max is using and there's no GUI either...

DM> If you're referring to update.js, that is only necessary when
DM> upgrading from an older (pre v3.15) release to v3.15 with the
DM> introduction of the exec/load directory. Once run, it never needs
DM> to be run again (currently).

OH! yes, that's what it is, i think... i'll pass that info along... max'll
probably read this before i get a chance to tell her, though... we've
understood that it should be runafter each CVS update... i guess we can change
the update script to not call it now that we know it isn't needed ;)

DM> The update.js script does not "update from CVS" or actually perform
DM> any kind of update, it's more like a post-update script to be
DM> run when upgrading from v3.14 or earlier to v3.15 and later.

nonono.... yeah yeah... we thought it had to be run after updating from CVS and