Subj : Some easy BAJA questions?
To   : High Spirit
From : Mro
Date : Wed Jan 08 2014 10:20 pm

 Re: Some easy BAJA questions?
 By: High Spirit to All on Wed Jan 08 2014 10:31 am

> "/sbbs/data/<MYPROGRAM>" (linux path). Would the proper way be to use
> "../data/<MYPROGRAM>"? But that leads me to another question... What if the
> DATA folder is set to be somewhere else in SCFG?

> Is the DATA directory the best place to store files for External Programs
> or is there another directory that would be better?

what i would suggest you do is keep all the files from your mod out of everyone
else's files. i've been guilty of violating that rule with my personal mods,
but i really think that is what everyone should do.  it stops a mess from
occuring and it makes updating easy.

you can use the percent code variables and then go back ../to/your/dir
in the past, i had to use double slashes, but i'm not sure if that issue has
been corrected.  regardling linux, i think you can just use forward slashes for
both win and linux baja scripts. but it's been so long, i'm not sure. either
way, you can get a text replacement program and switch the slashes and make 2
versions of your mod.

in the past a lof people put their mods in sbbs/data/DIRNAME.  for example, one
guy had one called data/bajamods/modname  for each addon he created.

if you want me to take a look at your script, get me on irc on
[dont visit for 1 minute and leave, please].  i used to be great with baja but
now i'm a bit rusty. it comes back to me after playing around with it a bit.
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