Subj : custom matrix login menu
To   : Lesser Keys
From : Nightfox
Date : Sun Oct 27 2013 07:40 pm

 Re: custom matrix login menu
 By: Lesser Keys to Nightfox on Sun Oct 27 2013 18:04:22

LK> I'm using it right now. I seen how how got the arrow keys to work with the
LK> lightbar! I guess my question would be how do you know were the text and
LK> light bar menu is going to show up on screen? Do you have to set a
LK> specific location for the lightbar menu to be on the screen?

Yes, the script knows where the menu is on the screen and it knows the menu's
size, so with that information, it's able to know where to draw the menu items.
And it knows the selected item, which is the one that is highlighted with the

LK> I agree somethings in js the code just looks more powerful to me. One
LK> line of code does several different things. I grew up as a kid using
LK> BASIc and assembly so baja looks easier to me. The scripts themselves
LK> look more familiar..

Yeah, languages that are similar to other languages you already know are
definitely easier to learn. :)


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