Subj : custom matrix login menu
To   : Nightfox
From : Lesser Keys
Date : Sun Oct 27 2013 06:04 pm

 Re: custom matrix login menu
 By: Nightfox to Lesser Keys on Sun Oct 27 2013 12:24 am

Ni> Well you were the one asking for help, and I've offered my matrix as an
Ni> example..  Take it or leave it.
I'm using it right now. I seen how how got the arrow keys to work with the
lightbar! I guess my question would be how do you know were the text and light
bar menu is going to show up on screen? Do you have to set a specific location
for the lightbar menu to be on the screen?
Ni> Interesting, I tend to feel the opposite, that JavaScript is easier to
Ni> understand.  But that may be because most of the programming languages
Ni> I've used have similar syntax. Baja feels more like BASIC or assembly to
Ni> me.  I do have the feeling that you can do more in JavaScript with fewer
Ni> lines of code.
I agree somethings in js the code just looks more powerful to me. One line of
code does several different things. I grew up as a kid using BASIc and assembly
so baja looks easier to me. The scripts themselves look more familiar.. I do
understand some of the things that java script can do, I am toying with js too!
Maybe in a few months I will be coding js a little better than I am now. At
least I am starting to understand some of scripting for synchronet. Back in the
day when I tried to run a synchronet bbs. I just ripped a bunch of ansi art,
not changing any of the scripts...That was a sad bbs!!! I thought it was
cool....but got flamed big time for running it.
thanks nightfox take care
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