Subj : Clearing command string
To   : All
From : Tegularius
Date : Sat Jul 18 2009 03:33 pm

Experimenting with a Java-script using the Major shell, because it
looks like the simplest, I have inserted this code into the
:transfers section:

cmdkey C
 exec "?chgdir"
 setstr ""

I am happy to have discovered that, because this shell accepts strings
rather than single key commands, I can pass a string into the Javascript,
avoiding an extra prompt.  E.g., typing "CLC"  changes the current
file area as desired.  One can even change both the library and the area,
e.g. "CDOS\AE".

There's just one problem: when the Major shell accepts its next command,
the remaining characters of the command string are still there. I was
expecting the line 'setstr ""' to remove them, but it doesn't.  What
can I do about this?

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