Subj : A few variables in Baja
To   : Tegularius
From : Digital Man
Date : Tue Oct 04 2005 10:52 pm

 Re: A few variables in Baja
 By: Tegularius to All on Tue Oct 04 2005 01:58 am

> DEFAULT.SRC displays the message group and sub-board in a prompt using @GRP@
> and @SN@.  There are similar codes in the file-area prompt.
> What if I need a Baja program to know these values and branch accordingly?
> Can I access them other than just displaying them?  I don't see anything in
> the system variables that provides them.

I recently answered this question here on DOVE-Net (in the Synchronet
JavaScript conference?). The answer is: Yes, use the Baja COMPARE_ARS function.

                                                 digital man

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