Subj : New feature thats COOL
To   : All
From : Magic Man
Date : Wed May 04 2005 03:09 pm

I made a cool feature in the treasure shell.  you hit & and it changes the
promts from freaky leet to regular looking prompts.  It didn't take long at
all, but i think it was pretty genius of me to figure it out.

compare_misc UNEXPERT
print "freeky leet prompt >"
print "Command >

cmdkey &
toggle misc unexpert

imm doing that off the top of my head but you get the idea, woot changeable
prompts. Since the treausre shell uses built in menus,  the EXPERT toggle works
well as a argument. but you could use flags and stuff too.  Im happy with the
command compare_misc, thanks DM.

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