Subj : Hello.
To   : All
From : Wiredfreak
Date : Tue Apr 20 2004 11:45 pm

Hey everyone... I'm an old Sysop from way back when Rob charged for the
software...  I've toyed with Sync for a bit since then, and was pleased that it
became available freely.. :)  At least that $500 went somewhere useful, eh,
Rob? ;)

Anyway, I noticed that this message board doesn't seem to get a lot of
attention... And that everyone seems to be moving over to the JS code...

I for one, like Baja.  It's simple, easy to understand, and I've done some very
amazing things with it, that quite simply put, are IMPOSSIBLE to do on any
other BBS software out there.  This includes Renegade, Telegard, Obv/2,
RemoteAccess, WileCat!, TBBS, WWIV, etc.... NOTHING...  And I say, NOTHING...
compares to the flexibility and power that Baja ALONE provides.

Yes, it's old.  Yes, it can be difficult to work with...  But it's still the
best thing for beginners to work with.  I don't know JavaScript, I've worked
with it *a little* on web pages... and I will learn it, and probably move to
it...  But I've seen a lot of messages flying in here about how antiquated it
is, and how it's nearing it's end of life in its usefulness...

To this, I simply say "Bullshit."

Long live Baja!

-Da Freak

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