Subj : Re: Doorgames and Baja
To   : Gunslinger
From : Angus Mcleod
Date : Thu Feb 20 2003 10:29 pm

 Re: Re: Doorgames and Baja
 By: Gunslinger to Angus Mcleod on Thu Feb 20 2003 01:53:00

> >The door menus can be completely replaced with any arbitary display you lik
> >The original poster said he didn't like the door menus and since they can b
> >totally replaced, I think that constitutes "very configurable", don't you?
> ��� To which I reply...
> IMO being able to alter command keys and the entire menu structure
> constitutes "very configurable". Ansi rotation is just cosmetics.

Point taken, but the original post asked about changing "door menus" and didn't
say anything else about changing the entire menu structure or command keys.  In
that case, I still think it was a fair comment that the "door menus" were "very
configurable".  And my post implied that even more could be done if BAJA were
exercised.  So yes, the entire Externals sub-section of Synchronet is "very
configurable".  No there isn't a Next-Next-Next-Next-Next-Finish "Wizzard" to
radically reconstruct the entire structure of the section without any effort by
the SyncOp, but so what?

� Synchronet � Where we BAJA Rob into writing our modules.  The ANJO BBS