Subj : message count
To   : Hax0r
From : Digital Man
Date : Fri May 10 2002 12:01 am

 Re: message count
 By: Hax0r to Tracker1 on Thu May 09 2002 08:18 pm

>  > Actually, this wouldn't be a bad idea, isn't most of the smb functionalit
>  > already in an api/dll that you could call in vb?  Haven't really looked,
>  > because my own preference would be doing it in JS... also, you just want
>  > messages unread for the current area, correct?
> yeah, just the message unread.  there's no API that I'm aware which can be
> used to tap into.  I was under the assumption that i'd have to write my own
> code to do it given the specs.  Rob seems to have the format pretty well lai
> out, it would just be a decent amount of work.

There is an API, it's called SMBLIB. If you're going to write it in C/C++, use
the SMBLIB (src/sbbs3/smblib.c) to save yourself a ton of work.

>  > Javascript does have a lot more usefulness.. can be used for other mods i
>  > synchronet, and imho more flexable then baja... beyond this, you can do a
>  > more on the browser with js... In ASP on the webserver, you can use JS fo
>  > server-side scripting, as well as the fact that PHP, and Flash/Shockwave
>  > similar syntax, making these easier to learn.
> until javascript becomes more user friendly, i have no interest in it.  i
> remember doing client side validation just how much of a pain in the ass it
> was to figure out the object model for shit.  i had to dig through web page
> afer web page to find the reference for javascript on Netscapes web site.

You mean this one?

> I've lost the link since then, and really don't feel i should have to learn
> not only the javascript object model, but the synchronet one as well -- that
> just too much to ask.  besides, as i said earlier -- javascript really holds
> no interest to me.  i honestly hope that the damn thing just goes away and
> people use something a bit more sensible -- like vbscript ;)

VBScript is proprietary. JavaScript is not going away.

                                                   digital man

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