Subj : message count
To   : Tracker1
From : Hax0r
Date : Thu May 09 2002 09:18 pm

RE: message count
BY: Tracker1 to All on Thu May 09 2002 11:05 am

> Actually, this wouldn't be a bad idea, isn't most of the smb functionality
> already in an api/dll that you could call in vb?  Haven't really looked,
> because my own preference would be doing it in JS... also, you just want th
> messages unread for the current area, correct?

yeah, just the message unread.  there's no API that I'm aware which can be
used to tap into.  I was under the assumption that i'd have to write my own
code to do it given the specs.  Rob seems to have the format pretty well laid
out, it would just be a decent amount of work.

> Javascript does have a lot more usefulness.. can be used for other mods in
> synchronet, and imho more flexable then baja... beyond this, you can do a l
> more on the browser with js... In ASP on the webserver, you can use JS for
> server-side scripting, as well as the fact that PHP, and Flash/Shockwave ha
> similar syntax, making these easier to learn.

until javascript becomes more user friendly, i have no interest in it.  i
remember doing client side validation just how much of a pain in the ass it
was to figure out the object model for shit.  i had to dig through web page
afer web page to find the reference for javascript on Netscapes web site.
I've lost the link since then, and really don't feel i should have to learn
not only the javascript object model, but the synchronet one as well -- thats
just too much to ask.  besides, as i said earlier -- javascript really holds
no interest to me.  i honestly hope that the damn thing just goes away and
people use something a bit more sensible -- like vbscript ;)

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