To   : Ace
From : Winston Smith
Date : Fri Feb 15 2002 06:39 am

BY: Ace to ALL on Fri Feb 15 2002 11:54 am

> I'm trying to put a files time-date stamp into a str to compare later
> on.  Instead of getting, for example a file created today, todays
> date-time on the file, I'm getting  Thu Jan 01 1970 12:00 am  ???

Yes.  That is a UNIX C compiler Epoch Time Zero event.  It means that you have
an empty or zero value for the number of ticks in your clock value.  On an IBM
PC a Time of "zero" would give you a date of Tuesday, Jan 01 1980 12:00 am
(i.e. hours, mins, secs, are all zero.)  'C' compiler time and UNIX time starts
on January 1st, 1970.  IBM PC MS-DOS time starts on January 1st, 1980.  What it
means is that your code is pointing to an "empty space", rather than to
something that has clock ticks in it.

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