Subj : BAJA mod by me.
To   : Beta
From : Aragorn
Date : Fri Nov 20 1998 05:49 am

RE: BAJA mod by me.
BY: Beta to Aragorn on Wed Nov 18 1998 07:36 am

>  >  > this is the structure that I was taught in class.
>  >
>  > You took a class in BAJA? They don't have END_IF's in QBasic last I chec
>  > (I'm rusty though...)
> They do, very much so. LOOP, and many other commands won't work unless a EN
> is after a IF/ELSEIF/ELSE.   Also QB 4.5 and better gets mad at you... :)

Ah, been a while since I took a class in that (of course, I already new BASIC,
and the class was 80% flowcharting)...

In C, <duck> END_IF's aren't needed in normal code because everything is done
in blocks of code which are started and ended by { and } "curly-braces". For


The only time something like END_IF is used in C <duck again> to my knowledge
is in preprocessor definitions (things that the compiler looks at while
compiling the program rather than when the compiled program is run), which
work like

#if something

(as you can see it's very similar to the BAJA structure) It's very useful for
using flags to cause the program to compile differently (e.g. for different
compilers or OSes)

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