Subj : HW 100.2
To   : Amcleod
From : Finnigann
Date : Wed Oct 24 2001 07:46 am

-=> Amcleod wrote to Finnigann <=-

- - - The other items were addressed in a message to Pistolgrip. - - -

Am> Secondly, your code executes a RETURN which is followed by a PRINT.
Am> The PRINT is what is called "unreachable code".  You never get to do
Am> the PRINT because you always RETURN just before you get to the PRINT.
Am> Some compilers will warn you about "unreachable code", but I don't know
Am> if BAJA.EXE does.

Am> What you need to do is put the PRINT first and _then_ the RETURN.

Am> Keep it up!  Work on the other steps now...

OK and thanks to you and PG. I know this has gotta bite, But I learn
fairly fast.

Question: On naming internal file handles, is there a character limit?
ie: no spaces or other characters forbidden. I guess periods and either
slash mark or an astricks or question mark or out of bounds too?

... As a matter of FACT I DO own the road!
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