Subj : having some problems with
To   : All
From : Kernal2
Date : Tue Aug 21 2001 03:20 pm

I am having some problems with this program. Its not sending out the email
message. Can you please tell me whats wrong with it??

# Put all the Dim Statements here
int minsec maxsec newsec maxtry count1 count2 sock
str floc info1 fn fp tp1 ea sn sp mailfrom mailto cea yourdomain
set tp1 ""
set fn ""
set floc ""
set fp ""
set cea ="0"
set maxtry "0"
set count1 "0"
set count2 "0"
set str ""
fopen file1 O_RDONLY "c:\sbbs\exec\qtv.cfg"
fread_line file1 floc
fread_line file1 minsec
fread_line file1 maxsec
fread_line file1 newsec
fread_line file1 yourdomain
fread_line file1 sn
fread_line file1 sp
fread_line file1 mailfrom
fread_line file1 cea
fread_line file1 maxtry
fclose file1
truncsp floc
truncsp minsec
truncsp maxsec
truncsp newsec
truncsp yourdomain
truncsp sn
truncsp sp
truncsp mailfrom
truncsp cea
truncsp maxtry
# Create a connection with the server.

socket_open sock
socket_connect sock sn sp
print "Connection failed.\r\n"
goto end

# Intial dialup
set mailto "[email protected]"

sprintf str "helo %s\n" yourdomain
#sprintf str "%s\n" yourdomain
socket_write sock str

sprintf str "mail from: %s\n" mailfrom
socket_write sock str

sprintf str "rcpt to: %s\n" mailto
socket_write sock str

set str "data\n"
socket_write sock str

# Send additional headers like subject, date ect..

set str "Subject: Your password\n"
socket_write sock str

sprintf str "To: %s\n\n" mailto
socket_write sock str

# Send body of the message.

set str "\n"
socket_write sock str

#set str "The wick brown box\n"
printf str "This is a test\n"
socket_write sock str

# Terminate body of message, close connection with server

Thank you

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