Subj : I need your help please??
To   : Terminator
From : Talus01
Date : Tue Aug 21 2001 01:34 am

RE: I need your help please??
BY: PistolGrip to Terminator on Tue Aug 21 2001 01:42 am

Okay, best I can understand, you want to send a message with a new p/w every 90
days, right? The pain there, actually won't be sending the mail, as much as
changing the password. First off: I know nothing of BAJA (yet). but what you
need to do is have a prog go through the entire user list and send a random p/w
to their email AND change the p/w, or set it as a log on event that triggers at
expire time or something like that. As I said, the changeing the p/w will be
the hard part.. especially if you use a logon script, as that would give them
the option to change the p/w. You could use a small database of Name, P/W that
a program will verify them at log on, as well... Hmm... Wel, it loks like I
need to learn a new language :-)

Good Luck,

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