Subj : Nodeupdates for Idlers
To   : Jas Hud
From : Node1
Date : Mon Aug 20 2001 02:01 pm

RE: Nodeupdates for Idlers
BY: Jas Hud to Node1 on Mon Aug 20 2001 09:57 am

> RE: Nodeupdates for Idlers
> BY: Node1 to All on Mon Aug 20 2001 07:12 am
>  > Anyways, thanks for any help anyone can provide.  I'm using the default
>  > Major.src that comes with Synchronet.
>  >
> well, what you'd have to do is like a loop thing, which wouldnt be so good..
> i have an "animated" main prompt that keeps up to date with the activity..
> you might want to do that yourself, but it might be too much of a pain,
> i dont think you'd want to go through the trouble of it for such a small
> outcome.

Why would a loop thing not be so good?  I dunno, i just need help(examples) of
how to do it.  I'm not a very good programmer, but I want to allow people to
idle at the menu, while still recieving messages such as those sent from
ctrl-p, and ability to see who's logging on/off while not having to push any
keys or press enter.  I'm using default major.src rightnow.  I'd appreciate any
help, since Majorbbs, actually had automatic screen updates, even when idle.
Anyone can post an example of how I'd implement the loop?  I know it deals
something with sync, or async, and inkey... thats about it.  Thanks for any
info/solutions.  I want the bbs to emulate MBBS as much as possible, since a
lot of my users used to use MBBS(a lot feel MBBS is superior, but geez, it just
cost too much).

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