Subj : I need your help please??
To   : Terminator
From : PistolGrip
Date : Mon Aug 20 2001 06:42 pm

RE: I need your help please??
BY: Terminator to PistolGrip on Mon Aug 20 2001 11:04 am

>  >  > Is there any way to include the users password in the body of the emai
>  >  > message?
>  >
>  > Sure, but why would you possibly want to do this?  Then you are essential
>  > giving the users password to EVERYBODY, in plain text.  Not a good idea.

> Someone told me that your the programmer of telnet verify and that it was
> written using baja.  I am in the progress of writting the same utility, but
> am going to use my program so the users can run it every 90 days to verify t
> there email address has not changed.

> I am also adding some additional features that telnet verify does not suppor
> If you could please tell me how you included the password in the body of the
> email message that would help me out a lot?

I'm not 100% sure of what 'password' you are wanting to include?  Do you want
to use the users' BBS password?  Or do you mean a unique code or 'password'
sent to each user?

I don't exactly understand why you are asking this question? If you already
know how to send an email to a user, then why can't you just include the
information in the email body?

You would just need to copy or generate these codes some how, pput them into
variables and then print them to the email body section of your send mail
routine.  In Telval, I just generate a code based upon some of the USER.DAT
fields and then send that to users in the body of the email.

If you can clarify your question a little better I might be able to help


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