Subj : Nodeupdates for Idlers
To   : All
From : Node1
Date : Mon Aug 20 2001 12:12 am

Basically, what I want to do, is to allow people who Idle while sitting in the
main menu, to get updates such as messages/logon/logoff messages, etc. without
having to push enter.  I'm not really much of a programmer... And would
appreciate any help I can get(actually I can't program..;) ).  Rob suggested I
post here, after posting in the Synchronet message board(web).  Here's my prior

: : : Is there a way to be able to allow a user to sit idle at a menu, and
still get node updates(messages/users logging/on/off,etc.). I know there's a
sync/async command in Baja, but not sure how to implement this so that a user
can just be sitting at the menu, and still get the updates without having to
push enter.

: : The Private Message (Ctrl-P) menu is the only place in Synchronet where the
user can sit idle and see node activity and private messages. The same thing
could be done from a menu prompt with Baja using a combination if inkey and

: : -Rob

: really sorry rob, but I'm no programmer. I tried looking around for examples,
but couldnt find any for inkey. I have the default logon major.src loaded, as
: :main
: cmd_home
: menu major/main
: getstr 10
: compare_str ""
: if_true
: end_cmd
: end_if
: ungetstr
: getkey
: node_action node_main
: logkey_comma

: Can someone help? I attempted to fool around with my src, but made it worse.
you use, inkey and async right? Oh well. Any help is appreciated.

Post your question on the DOVE-Net/Baja Programmming conference and you're more
likely to get help.

: BTW, congrats Rob on your new family member!



Anyways, thanks for any help anyone can provide.  I'm using the default
Major.src that comes with Synchronet.

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