Subj : Death of Sync
To   : All
From : DigitalMam
Date : Sat Apr 01 2006 04:31 pm

                            The Digital Manifesto
                      "The Internet Killed the BBS Star"
                   (Synchronet: Past, Present, and Future)
                         Rob Swindell April 1st, 2006

If you're reading this message, then you probably are or have been at some
time interested in Synchronet BBS software in some way, shape or form. If you
don't know what Synchronet is, then you'll probably be bored to death. :)

I'm attempting to address all the questions and concerns about the future
of, DOVEnet, and Synchronet BBS software in one message in a very
VERBOSE and conversational manor (since my usual terseness is often
unappreciated). It is my intention to include WAY more detail than is necessary
so I won't be accused of leaving anything out. This message is not directed at
any one person or group of people specifically, but will be most interesting to
sysops running Synchronet BBS software.

Many of the questions answered here-in (however often asked) have never been
answered before in the interest of personal privacy (my own), appropriateness,
professional confidentiality, company image, and/or time.

You have my permission to re-post this message anywhere, as long as it is
re-posted IN ITS ENTIRETY. It's rather long (over 600 lines and over 32k in
size) so be sure you can post that much text before you attempt to re-post this
message elsewhere (so it isn't unintentionally cut-off).

DISCLAIMER: Not everything in this message is guaranteed 100% accurate. If you
           find any inaccuracies, please don't correct me, just ignore them.

Chapter 1: A Little History (trivia)

Digital Man is Born
I've been computing and BBSing since 1982 (age 12). First computer was a
Commodore VIC 20 (2K of RAM and a cassette drive interface!). Started BBSing
with my brother, Mike (Dr. Seuss) and his Apple II. The popular BBS software
was GBBS (written in Apple Basic). AI (file transfer) lines were popular too,
but with a 300bps modem, a lot of patience was necessary.

I didn't run a BBS back then but I called quite a few regularly, almost (?)
obsessively (even a couple of boring IBM-PC based BBSs). I've used the alias
"Digital Man" from the very beginning (inspired by the Rush song of the same
name on their "Signals" album from the same year). One of my favorite BBSs was
"The Beast's Domain" run by a character named King Drafus (Allen). We met once
that first year when I bartered some fireworks for a paid membership to his

Vertrauen is Born
I got out of the computer scene for a number of years until I received a 10mhz
XT (with EGA and 20MB hard disk) for a high school graduation gift. It wasn't
long at all before I had a 2400bps modem and was back on the BBS scene (Spy vs.
Spy was the first board this time).

Everyone in the local area (Orange County, California) seemed to be using the
same (or similar) BBS software and it was available for download (as shareware)
on most of the BBSs. The name of the BBS software was "WWIV" and the author was
Wayne Bell (who called me voice years later to ask if Synchronet was a WWIV
hack - HA!). While on this topic, Synchronet does not contain and never has
contained one line of WWIV source code. While the user interface was initially
intended to look and work identically to WWIV, this was just a starting point
from which I was familiar (the look and feel, not the source code). The WWIV
"clone look" proved to be more of a hassle than a benefit, so I've moved away
from that direction since I got sick of people asking if I had (or accusing me
of) hacking Wayne's code. [Side note: when talking with Wayne on the phone, he
actually divulged that the WWIV user interface was copied from the "Network
BBS" (an Apple BBS program). Who knows where the author of the Network BBS got
his interface ideas from.]

I, of course, HAD to run a BBS, so I downloaded this WWIV program (v4.02),
installed it, ran it and liked it (it was pretty simple, and I didn't mind the
absence of documentation). I wanted to pick a BBS name that was unique (so my
BBS wouldn't be confused with another of the same name). I played drums in a
progressive rock band with a pretty unique name, so I thought it would serve
well as a BBS name - "Vertrauen" (German, translated loosely to "Trust").
Pronounced: "ver-trow-en" (or "fair-trow-oon" if you're German). So having
decided upon a name and having set-up some message and file areas (and
installed Food Fight!) I began to advertise the phone number (714-529-9525).
This was 1988.

DOVE-Net is Born
After a month or so of operation, I noticed a new user logging on with a
very familiar name, King Drafus. Not believing my eyes I popped him into
chat (F10) and confirmed: It was the same Drafus from the Apple days with
an IBM XT just like me. It wasn't long before The Beast's Domain II was up
and running under WWIV. We soon networked our BBSs together (with WWIV's
proprietary networking software) and the DOmainVErtrauen (DOVE) Net was born!
                                        ^^    ^^
Synchronet is Born
After a couple years of running WWIV and honing my own programming skills
(professionally and for fun), I decided it was time to write my own BBS
software (for my own BBS). The most important feature was the ability to run
multiple simultaneous nodes (WWIV was not multi-node capable and lacked other
features I desired - such as batch uploads and bi-directional transfers). Being
a network specialist and an aspiring C programmer, I knew I could write
software to work fast and reliably in a multi-user environment on a LAN (I
already had a Novell NetWare Advanced Server [v2.1] in my BBS office).

I worked on "the" BBS software in my free time while still running a
self-modified multi-node/chat WWIV system for Vertrauen until "the" BBS software
was complete enough to replace WWIV. This completion may have taken years,
but I had the fortune of an unplanned surgery that left me on disability and
house-ridden for two months. I had all the time in the world to work on "the"
BBS software. I spent nearly every waking moment of that recovery period
working on it (obsessively). It was during this time that the name "Synchronet"
was suggested by Steve Deppe (Ille Homine Albe), the keyboardist and songwriter
for Vertrauen (the band). "Synchronet", for its ability to run "synchronously"
on a "network" (LAN). And it sounds cool. Synchronet it was.

July 1991, I took down WWIV for good and put up Synchronet. All the users
had to logon as new, there were no messages, the file bases were in shambles
and Food Fight didn't work anymore. But we had r0dent write and The Guru! :)

Interest Brewing
The first outside interest came from the sysop (The Zapper) of a local DOVE-Net
node (Mid-Nite Hacker BBS). The Zapper soon became the first person to run
Synchronet besides myself (and obviously, the first beta tester). Not long
after that, Drafus decided to give Synchronet a try.

I had already started working on a multi-node game (Synchronet Blackjack) and
King Drafus (a fellow programmer) was interested in writing his own multi-node
game (Domain Poker). So I extracted some of the source code from SBJ and made
an external program software development kit (XSDK) from it that made his life
(and later, the life of many other Synchronet door programmers) a lot easier.

It wasn't long before sysops began hounding me for a copy of the BBS software
(and the source code). I had been pestered often for a copy of my WWIV-mods,
but when I began running Vertrauen with Synchronet, the word got out fast that
someone had finally written a WWIV-like multi-node BBS program and was actively
improving it. I began receiving offers of money and favors. I refused all.
I didn't want to give out Synchronet, it was my baby.

Digital Dynamics is Born
After months of pestering (and waving money in my face), I finally agreed to
sell copies of Synchronet to local sysops. But before I could sell products
I had to get a business license, reseller's permit, etc. which required a
business name. After some thought (during a long drive back from San Diego),
I came up with "Digital Dynamics". It kinda sounds like General Dynamics,
it uses part of my handle, and being a musician I can appreciate dynamics.
I liked it.

I also had to set a price: $100 without source code, $200 with source code. All
copies were 250-node capable. I offered no voice support or netmail support
(Synchronet was not yet network capable) and guaranteed nothing. I sold exactly
8 copies (two with source code) over two months. Not bad for someone who really
didn't want to sell any at all.

Going Commercial
About this time (April 1992), the software development company that employed
me went out of business. After a few weeks of unsuccessful job searching
my brother told me about a magazine he had seen (BBS Callers Digest) and
suggested I let him put together an ad for Synchronet and see how it does
(lending me the money to pay for the ad). I told him that another sysop
(The Mad Bomber) had shown me a magazine recently (Boardwatch) and we might
investigate that one too. After examining both and not being able to decide, we
agreed to advertise in both ($325/issue for BBS Callers Digest and $650/issue
for Boardwatch).

Mike designed a black and white, full-page ad with a list of bullet items
(features) and an incredible introductory offer ($49 for competitive upgrades).
$99 was the regular price (all copies 250-node).

We ran the ad and I started getting calls immediately, but sporadically. It
seemed that all everyone was interested in were DigiBoards and FidoNet. I
knew very little about either so I didn't sell very many copies those first
few months. Synchronet already included batch/bi-dir transfers, internal QWK
off-line reader support (with bi-dir xfers), CDROM buffering, multi-node chat,
and great door support (along with a long list of other features unique to
Synchronet and others not-so-unique). It was also fast, reliable, and
relatively easy to configure, so I still sold a few on those merits. However,
it was a few months before I was selling enough registrations to even cover the
advertising expenses.

When communicating with customers, I always tried to live up to the
professional image portrayed in our ads. Always referred to the company as "we"
and "us" and never wanted anyone to know that it was "just me". This type of
deception is common in small businesses (smoke and mirrors). I've always
attempted to maintain this image and would even go as far as to out-right lie
to a customer about the size of the company or refuse to answer a direct
question if it would reveal how small and un-established Digital Dynamics really
was. You'll notice that even in this message I usually refer to the company
as we/us (old habits are hard to break).

The first copy sold commercially (through the ads) was to Las Vegas Playground
BBS. This was June of 1992. Some other early purchasers who have been with us a
long time are Fire and Ice BBS, The Promised Land BBS, The Rest In Peace BBS,
Daicom BBS, The Detroit Data Exchange BBS, Popcorn BBS (Alien Systems),
The Nerd Escape BBS (Megabyter) and the BBS at the end of the Universe.

Sysops (purchasers and potential purchasers) immediately began making (very)
strong suggestions. FidoNet support topped the list, but QWK Networking was
easier (since I was already very familiar with the QWK format and had much QWK
pack/un-pack code already written for the internal off-line reader support) so
Synchronet had QWK Networking first. To my knowledge we were the first BBS
software to ever internally support QWK Networks (no external QWK utility or
mail door needed) with v1a rev 10 (06/25/92). Since no front-end mailer or
external tosser was necessary, QWK Networking was also simple to setup
(a scripted terminal program, like Telix or QModem was required though).

One customer who had attended ONE BBSCON (Online Networking Exhibition
BBS Convention) in 1992 insisted that RIP (Remote Imaging Protocol developed
by TeleGrafix) was the future and that it was imperative that Synchronet
support it. It sounded like a good idea and the customer was persistent, so
Synchronet v1b rev 1 (01/23/93) was the first BBS software to ship with
internal RIP support and stock RIP menus. Another BBS package (SearchLight)
claimed to be the first to ship with RIP support but the facts are Synchronet
was first (although admittedly, SearchLight had better RIP support). RIP
proved to be marginally successful.

Since many potential customers were asking about intelligent DigiBoard support,
I spent about $8,000 on consultant fees having it added to our existing
communications driver. I could have written the code myself quicker and for
less, but with a business to run, I simply didn't have the time and it appeared
very important to customers. As it turns out, DigiBoards (or any proprietary
serial boards) are not a good choice for most BBS operators and we've probably
had, at the most, 10 sysops actually use a DigiBoard for their BBS. In
hindsight, FOSSIL support was more important and indirectly adds DigiBoard
support (with the use of DigiFOSSIL). FOSSIL support was added later (with
additional consultant fees, of course).

I wrote a FidoNet import/export program (SBBSFIDO) and released it for free in
September 1992. I released a RelayNet (RIME) import/export program (UTI driver)
for free in January 1993.

Vertrauen Changes
From the very beginning of commercial sales, sysops complained that they
couldn't choose their own password on Vertrauen, the support BBS (I used to
force random passwords for security). Now that the number of Synchronet owners
was in the hundreds, Vertrauen was a pretty busy board and the complaints about
how I ran my BBS (thousands of adult GIF files, new user computer knowledge
quiz, new user magic word, forced bulletins, etc) were beginning to trickle in.

So I began to eliminate the "non-professional" and "user-unfriendly" aspects of
Vertrauen. I ceased to run the BBS that I wanted to run and began running the
BBS my customers demanded.

Domain Entertainment
Allen (King Drafus) began selling his Synchronet add-ons (mostly games) under
the company name Domain Entertainment about this time. I hired him on part-time
to help with tech support and sales in the summer of 1993 and in 1994 he began
working for Digital Dynamics full-time (while still developing and selling
Domain Entertainment products on the side).

Magazine Ads
Having had received good response from the ads in Boardwatch and BBS Callers
Digest Magazines, we experimented with other publications (Online Access,
Sysop News, and Connect) hoping for similar success, but none of those ads ever
even paid for themselves. Boardwatch and BBS Callers eventually doubled their
advertising prices (to $1395 and $650 per issue, respectively) although we
never saw a representative increase in sales from either.

In August 1993, Boardwatch magazine was having its second annual ONE BBSCON in
Colorado and to appear as professional and established as our ads, we had to
have a booth (and brochures, and demo disks, and manuals, and signs, and suits,
and demo computers, and a BLIMP!). A very expensive lesson (sold a whopping 8
copies of Synchronet). We also had to have a big product announcement to stir
interest and controversy (we were the new guys): an OS/2 version to ship fourth
quarter that year (even though very little had been coded at that time).
Another expensive lesson.

I was, however, interviewed for the local evening news (I demo'd our RIP
support) and I met John C. Dvorak (I demo'd our new ARS security feature - his
only interest: When would the OS/2 version ship?). I also met Roy Perierra
(Merlin Systems) there and he showed interest in adding Synchronet support to
his UUCP (Internet) mail program. I also met a hand-full of Synchronet sysops
(and I remember each one).

A few people asked us about Internet support and I had very little experience
or knowledge of it at the time, so they went elsewhere. SearchLight had the
good RIP interface, Major had the most simultaneous lines, TBBS had the best
booth and professional presence, Robo/FX had the best graphics, TeleGrafix
(RIPterm/RIPaint) had the most interest, and Wildcat had the most customers.
We had an upcoming OS/2 version and not that many people cared. We did have
a huge Synchronet blimp though! You couldn't miss it. Yet somehow, when
Boardwatch later printed their issue covering the show they managed not to
print a single picture of, around, or near our booth.  There wasn't a single
place in the main hall you could stand where you couldn't see our blimp.
And amazingly enough, not one of the printed photos included our blimp.

No one from Boardwatch ever came to our booth to ask any questions or take
pictures. When a reader of Boardwatch wrote to Jack Rickard (the editor) and
asked about the obvious omission of any pictures or editorial about Synchronet
in the BBSCON issue, Jack claimed that when he tried to ask questions at our
booth he was ignored. I know damn well what Jack looks like and I was there
every minute. He never came by. Jack Rickard is a liar and unfairly excluded us
from the press coverage of ONE BBSCON 1993. Had Boardwatch given us equal
editorial coverage (which we were promised), the BBSCON might have even paid for
itself in public exposure and latent Synchronet sales. Instead, it was a huge
financial mistake for Digital Dynamics. Phil Becker (President of eSoft, maker
of TBBS) is half owner of ONE, Inc. and Boardwatch Magazine (coincidentally).

In April of 1994, BBS (Callers Digest) Magazine held their own convention
(BBS Expo '94) in Washington, DC. I was invited to attend and speak on a panel
(supposedly including the vice president, Al Gore), but still feeling the sting
from ONE BBSCON, I decided not to attend (and save the expenses). Al Gore
didn't attend and due to the poor attendance of BBS Expo '94, there never was
a BBS Expo '95. Apparently, I made the right decision that time.

The last public appearance that I've made to represent Digital Dynamics and
Synchronet BBS Software was at The California Computer Expo '95 (August 19)
in San Diego, California. I instructed a seminar titled "Setting up an
Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS)". It didn't cost me anything (other
than my time, gas, etc.) and was a pleasant experience for all.

Chapter 2: The First Death

To date, I've sold 1584 Synchronet BBS registrations, 318 Synchronet Callback
registrations, 85 SBBSecho registrations, and 172 Synchronet Match Maker
registrations. It has paid the rent for a little over three years and allowed
me to continue to program (one of my obsessions). I've had three full-time
employees and two consultants work for Digital Dynamics over the years. The
best year was 1994 with gross sales of $124,563. The overhead (cost of payroll,
phone bill, satellite, utilities, equipment, supplies, printing brochures and
manuals, mailings, and advertising) brought the net profit (my personal income)
way down to a more humble amount. I was surviving, not getting rich.

Nearly every customer has had their theories about the one major feature that
Synchronet needed to become #1. Many of those theories were tested and they all
failed to produce the sales that the customer had predicted. I can't count how
many times I've heard "I know several sysops that would buy your program if you
only added this or that".

Sales have always been up and down, but they dropped off the face of the earth
in 1995. When they started going down in late 1994, I hired another office
person (Mark Schuler, singer for Weedpuller) to help defer some of the phone
traffic so I could get more programming done and hopefully stimulate more sales
with new features and/or products. In early 1995, I took a break from the OS/2
version of Synchronet and I wrote and released the Synchronet Match Maker to
stimulate some revenue. Its popularity kept us alive for six more months
(along with SBBSecho sales, SBBS upgrades, and sporadic Synchronet sales).

Due to lack of sales, I had to lay off Mark in May of 1995 and told Allen the
future was looking grim (it was obvious). By September the sales were barely
enough to pay the bills and Allen was kind enough to continue working with only
the promise of payment when I could afford it. With the eminent end in sight,
I began mailing and Faxing resumes. It was a difficult decision to make, but in
November, I accepted a full-time position at a hardware company in Irvine
(writing Windows 95 device drivers).

Digital Dynamics was, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt in the fall of

With creditors and the IRS demanding their overdue monthly payments, I had to
borrow $5,000 from a family member just to stay out of deep-trouble. Allen
continued to work here part-time until he left in December to work on his own
software company, Domain Entertainment, full-time (Synchronet add-ons are not
his primary products). And I'm happy to report that both Mark and Allen are
doing very well today.

I continued to spend time and money (whatever I had) on Synchronet through the
early months of 1996 (including a new $1000 4GB hard disk to replace the 2GB
disk that crashed at the end of 1995). I released a wide-beta of SBBS4DOS v2.3
in January and an alpha of SBBS4OS2 in February and the public wide-beta in
April. I've continued through the months to program, print manuals, ship
orders, and answer tech support e-mail as often as possible. I'm still paying
Digital Dynamics' bills for 1995.

Many customers were unhappy about the disappearance of voice tech support and
the delays in answering e-mail that started in 1996. I don't blame them. Some
have switched to other BBS packages, but most stopped running any kind of BBS
software many months ago. Synchronet sales are non-existent (and I don't expect
them to increase).

The Internet
It's no secret that the World Wide Web and other Internet services have
reduced (not eliminated) the attraction of BBSs sitting on an antiquated analog
telephone network. The Internet is a local call for most everyone and connects
you anywhere (with no distance and often no per-minute charges). You can search
the World Wide Web for content across the globe and transfer data as fast as
you can connect to your local service provider (most Internet Service Providers
support ISDN, Frame Relay, T1, and other digital connections that make analog
modems and telephone lines look antiquated, if not prehistoric).

Most BBS software companies that are still around today are integrating FTP
servers, Web servers, mail and newsgroup servers into their packages (for a
price of course). Most companies that once ran tech support BBSs have replaced
them with FTP and WWW sites. The Internet is huge and attractive. Companies
like Microsoft and Netscape have made it easier and more powerful. The
attraction of easy-to-use services like America Online and Prodigy has also
been reduced by the World Wide Web.

The name of ONE BBSCON has been changed to ONE ISPCON (Internet Service
Provider Convention) and BBS Callers Digest (later named BBS Magazine) folded
in 1996.

Digital Dynamics has been pounded with requests and demands for direct
Internet integration for years. Some just wanted internal mail and newsgroup
support while others wanted FTP, telnet, MUD and IRC. Some wanted service
provider type features (allowing users to FTP from or telnet to other sites
from their BBS, for example). While others wanted content provider type
features (allowing users to FTP from or telnet into their BBS, for example).
Many asked for HTTP/HTML support (again, some wanted inbound, some wanted
outbound, everyone wanted BOTH!). Many of these things can be done with
Synchronet today with the assistance of third party applications (admittedly,
not a great Internet solution).

I had always wanted to and planned on integrating Internet support but wasn't
sure where to begin. I designed the SMB (Synchronet Message Base) format
introduced in v2.0 (06/02/94) to support multiple network technologies and
explicitly worked with Roy Perierra (Merlin Systems) on Internet e-mail and
newsgroup support. I worked closely with the Internet RFCs that document the
newsgroup and e-mail formats to be sure SMB would be able to store all Internet
messages types (for now and the future). I was definitely thinking ahead.

The first Internet add-on for Synchronet I worked on was an IRC link (linked
Synchronet's internal multi-node multi-channel chat with multiple Internet
Relay Chat channels). It lost steam when I started working on Synchronet Match
Maker and I haven't worked on it since.

Basically there's always been something else that needed to be done that was
more urgent or could be completed quicker and generate immediate revenue (a
constant issue). It would have taken a 100% drop in the development of
Synchronet BBS Software in order to switch gears and focus on Internet
applications in time to save Digital Dynamics. And DOS is not the operating
system of choice for developing Internet applications, so the 32-bit,
cross-platform issue was more crucial than ever.

I've never wanted to give up on Synchronet. I always knew it could be better
and just wanted to improve it some more and do "these few things" that sysops
have been screaming for before I start on that next big project (OS/2 port,
Win32 port, Internet e-mail, whatever).

I, personally, haven't called a BBS other than my own (for testing) in over a
year. It's been several years since I've had the need to use telnet. If I want
or need something online, I fire up my Web browser. The Internet is a great
research tool and all the companies I need support from have Web and/or FTP

Synchronet for OS/2
Some might blame the demise of Digital Dynamics on the lengthy development
time of SBBS4OS2. Considering OS/2's current market share, every moment I spent
on it was a waste of time (should have been working on a Win32 version). The
BBS companies that produced OS/2-only BBS products are out of business. Every
BBS related company that ever made OS/2 products has not profited from them.
The companies that make development tools for OS/2 have stopped supporting
them. I've sold exactly 23 upgrades to SBBS4OS2 (at $25 each). Hardly

Since OS/2 was the predominant 32-bit desktop operating system at the time of
ONE BBSCON in 1993, that's what we committed to. It was a mistake. Certainly, we
would have sold many more licenses had we released SBBS4OS2 earlier, but it
wouldn't have sustained us. My personal opinion on OS/2 itself, as an
operating system, is irrelevant.

Synchronet for Win32
Some might say if we had a Win32 version, we would be selling tons. I doubt
that. BBS software isn't dead, but it's dying. I've been working on the Win32
version and it's complete, but I question how many people will actually use it
considering the dwindling number of BBSs, the fact that I don't advertise
anymore and my company image is (deservedly) poor.

Graphical Interface
A common argument was one for a remote GUI (Graphical User Interface). I
attempted to support RIP (Remote Imaging Protocol) and WIP (Windows Interface
Protocol) but neither emerged as a standard. WIP was dead before I even added
the support. The developers of WIP (Durand Communications Network) saw the fate
of BBS software and began working solely on Internet applications. If either
RIP or WIP had become widely used, I would have spent more resources developing
the stock RIP/WIP interfaces. I am well aware that the stock RIP/WIP menus are
very lack-luster. Some might say if the interface were better, more would have
used the RIP/WIP terminals. Considering the instability and poor performance of
DCTERM for Windows (the only WIP compatible terminal program ever written), I
doubt that it would have ever been widely used unless it was overhauled by its
authors. DCTERM for DOS was just RIPTERM with a different name (and it didn't
support WIP). I still have a few regular callers on my BBS that use RIP, but
they're an extreme minority.

Some have asked if/when/why we couldn't do a proprietary graphical terminal
or Web plug-ins like WorldGroup or WildCat 5. The answer: I don't even have
a fraction of the resources those companies have. While I may have taken a
few hundred sales from each of the major BBS companies in the past, they
left me in the dust with their expensive advertising campaigns and enlarged
programming teams. I'm a good programmer, but I'm just one person and I had
to handle many more duties here than just programming. Other BBS packages have
attempted to force their own proprietary remote GUI protocols (Coconet,
EXEC-PC/ETGC, RoboBoard, FILEX, DarkStar, etc) and failed. And a few
proprietary GUI BBS packages (MediaHost, Excalibur, FirstClass, PowerBBS, and
MindWire) have had marginal success. While not proprietary, NAPLPS (North
America Presentation Level Protocol Syntax) also failed to become a standard in
the BBS industry (TurBoard BBS software was the first and only(?) to ever
support it).

Chapter 3: Version 3.x

For all intents and purposes, Digital Dynamics is out-of-business. I haven't
answered the phone (or returned a voice mail call) in nine months. I know
this isn't good news to most of you (though some of you might cheer). As with
any company you do business, they always have the right to go out of business.
I have never guaranteed life-time support of the product.

SBBS4DOS and SBBS4OS2 v2.3 will be released this fall. All those who
subscribed to the auto-update plan will receive their upgrade (with manual
if applicable). The feature set of v2.3 is close to that of the current
wide-beta release. Some bugs in the current wide-beta have been/will be fixed
before its release. Since this may well be the last release of Synchronet, the
beta test period has been extended (but mainly due to my lack of available time
to spend testing and coding).

No more manuals will be sold or printed after the 2.3 upgrade.

No more auto-upgrade plans will be sold. No more products will be shipped
after the 2.3 upgrade (registration keys will be available for download).
All auto-upgrade subscribers will receive free upgrades for the remaining
upgrade life of Synchronet (however long that is).

If Vertrauen (the main DOVE-Net hub) is taken down, a one month notice will
be given so other hubbing arrangements may be made. At this time there are no
plans to take Vertrauen down.

Things I'd Like To Do (in no particular order)
Complete SBBS4W32 (looks and works like Synchronet for DOS, but it's a
native 32-bit Windows 95/NT console mode application).

Utilize the WINSOCK API to make SBBS4W32 and SBBS4OS2 support telnet, FTP, SMTP
and possibly HTTP (and who knows what other Internet protocols) internally.

Run a Web server that integrates the Synchronet Match Maker database (using
CGIs), Vertrauen's complete file base (available via FTP too), Synchronet
related bulletins, Synchronet Chat (using CGIs), etc.

Release above mentioned CGIs for other Synchronet sysops to use with their
Web servers.

Add internal e-mail and newsgroup support to Synchronet.

Add MAPI support to Synchronet to utilize Microsoft Exchange for local

Moderate a Synchronet newsgroup (I'm a glutton for punishment).

Continue the evolution of Baja, multi-node chat (IRC), and Synchronet Match

Convert Synchronet's local interface to GUI.

Redesign the Synchronet file base (faster and more flexible).

Write a full-screen message editor (I personally don't like any of the ones
out there).

Complete the documentation for SMBLIB v2.0 and release it.

Write a split-screen sysop chat and all the other miscellaneous things that
sysops have requested.

Finish the Synchronet Transfer Protocols (STP) program (DSZ replacement).

Install professional voice mail menu/FAX on-demand system on 714-529-6328
for voice callers to get FAQs, recent news, etc.

All of the above things cost time and money. While I am making a pretty good
living now (much more than I ever did selling Synchronet), as I mentioned
before, I'm still forking out money from my paychecks to pay off Digital
Dynamics' bills from 1995. And I have little spare time as I'm currently in
the studio recording my second CD with the band Weedpuller. I may not have
the time or money to do any of the above.

If Weedpuller gets a promotional contract (and a tour), I'll be out of the
computer industry completely (for a while at least). While this is a long shot,
it is my life's ambition and (for me) a best case scenario.

If I decide (or need) to move for some reason, Vertrauen will not likely
relocate with me.

I may at any time, not be able to afford to run Vertrauen (costs roughly $300 a
month) or certain network connections (like FidoNet or might

While I realize this is not pleasant news for most of you, it is the truth
and I don't want to attempt to deceive anyone any longer. If I've not lived
up to your expectations in some way, please accept my apologies. I'm glad
I've made a product that interested you at least at some point.

I've never enjoyed the business aspect of selling Synchronet and actually hate
sales (and salespeople in general). While selling and supporting Synchronet has
been a taxing experience, I don't regret it. It's taught me to appreciate
working for others where you have limited responsibilities, the ability to
leave your work at the office, and the predictability of working for only one
boss (hundreds of sysops have been my bosses over the past few years). I met
some really cool sysops across the states and around the world, had at least
some amount of impact on the BBS community, and (most importantly) I've had the
opportunity to further develop my programming skills.

However, I've enjoyed my newfound financial freedom over the past nine months
and I vow never to run a business again (applause). Digital Dynamics was my
second company (the first was a marginally successful computer sales/network
installation company) and I've had my fill. I love programming and that's
exactly what I get paid to do now, nothing more.

While I'd prefer to just silently disappear and avoid you all (like many other
BBS authors have done in the past), I feel I owe you an explanation of my
position and my (however indefinite) plans. And a thank you for your business.

If you plan on running your BBS for years and years (regardless of what
happens with the Web and the Internet) and you want a package that is likely
to be supported for the duration, I'd suggest purchasing a package from
an established software company like Mustang (Wildcat), Galacticomm
(Major/WorldGroup), Clark Development (PCBoard/whatever they're calling their
Internet suite) or eSoft (TBBS). You won't be hurting my feelings (or my
pocketbook). Beware that even the above mentioned "Old Boys" of the BBS
industry may be on their way out. The fact that Microsoft doesn't make a BBS
package should clue you into something (check out the declining value of
Mustang's stock).

If you already run Synchronet and you're not in a big hurry to get integrated
Internet features (or whatever major feature you desire), hang-out and see what
happens. This isn't intended as a panic notice. Vertrauen and Synchronet may
continue on for years. Or they may not. I just don't know at this moment and
I'm making no predictions or guarantees.

If you hear nothing more from me, you can assume that everything in this
message remains the same (unless Vertrauen disappears for a lengthy time). If I
do decide to disappear, I intend to post a warning message stating that fact
(at least a month in advance). There is of course, the possibility that I could
get hit by a bus and never get to post that message.

Please do not send me a message in response to this message. I don't require
(nor desire) any thank you's, f-you's, apologies, condemnations, good-bye's,
or whatever. I'm all e-mailed out. I hope you'll understand.

Rob Swindell,

� Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � telnet://