Subj : Testing From Mojo's World
To   : MOJO
Date : Tue Dec 29 2015 09:53 pm


M>Yeah i had the machine ready for the move back to it for while just have not
M>got around to making the move. So on Sunday I decided to move it even if I wa
M>not really ready to do this. (I have not been feeling well) But I just made
M>myself do it so I could get it done and over with and have it back where it
M>belongs on this machine.

 I figured I'd just try again later.

M>While I am thinking of it I found a web site you may want to check out
M>( I stumbled onto this the other day when I was looking fo
M>something and thought you might like this. It is only for hams and you have t
M>have a call sign in order to get in so it is of no use to me but you might
M>like it.

  Yeah, I'm familiar with it...but with helping my elderly Mom with
stuff during the day, then the Packet Via Telnet, Echolink, D-Star, and
D-Rats nets each night (never mind work on the BBS), I haven't had time
for it. Some of those sites are free to use (although you have to be a
licensed ham radio operator), but others charge exhorbitant fees.

Daryl, WX1DER

* OLX 1.53 * All marriage is same sex: the same sex over & over again.
* PDQWK 2.53 #5
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