Subj : Portable And Mobile
To   : All
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Sat May 28 2016 08:59 pm

Sometimes, you'll hear hams operating "portable" or "mobile".

Portable is operating somewhere besides their home station.

Mobile is operating from a moving vehicle...whether a car, boat, plane, train,
bus, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.

Depending on the band and mode, you may also have to consider the gear size, as
well as from where you are operating. Operations aboard a boat or plane must be
approved by the captain or pilot in charge. Usually, operations from a train or
bus, are OK, provided they're done via Wi-Fi, or with an HT.

The Yaesu FT-817ND or the Yaesu FT-857, cover HF, VHF, and UHF, and are small
enough to not be a hinderance while driving or riding. Or, one can use an HT.
With a Wi-Fi card, or complimentary Wi-Fi if traveling by bus, with a laptop
computer, a headset mic, and software, you can operate that way while going
down the road.

That's how I plan to operate to/from the Huntsville Hamfest in August.

Daryl, WX1DER

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