Subj : Dealers
To   : All
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Sat May 28 2016 08:41 pm

There are many ham radio dealers around, most selling new ham radio gear of all
types. Some of them also have "used gear" for sale...but the phrases "caveat
emptor" (buyer beware) and "you get what you pay for", apply, with used gear.

While most hams won't give other hams "a bum steer", there are unfortunately,
some that are trying to make money off of "a worthless boat anchor doorstop".

Dealers aren't just limited to radios and accessories. Others can sell things
like T-shirts, golf shirts, jackets, caps, signs, banners, etc. for the shack.

I am working on batchfiles to post a list of these vendors in the coming days.
Most of them have internet websites, where you can order various items.

Daryl, WX1DER

� Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, AR -