Subj : Ham Radio Clubs
To   : All
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Sat May 28 2016 08:01 pm

There are many ham radio clubs across the United States, and around the world.
The best way to get information on this is to go to -- the
website of the American Radio Relay League.

Once there, enter the desired criteria (such as the name of a state), and click
on search. Links should pop up with clubs in various cities, that you can click
on for more information.

There is also a deal called "The Un-Club". Some groups will get together for a
time of food and fellowship at an area restaurant. No club dues, politics,
etc., and these vary by area, and day of the week.

In the central Arkansas area (Little Rock), the Central Arkansas Radio
Emergency Net does a "lunch net" on their wide area coverage 146.940 repeater
on Saturday morning, if they're not pre-occupied with providing communications
for a public service event. It's an informal net, basically with net control
deciding on where the group will meet, then checkins noting how many will be in
their group.

Another group in Saline County (Benton and Bryant), get together at a
restaurant on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

In all cases, it's "dutch treat"...everyone pays for their own meal. And, I've
yet to find a ham radio operator turn down a good "feed".

Daryl, WX1DER

P.S. It's recommended that you be part of at least one club, local or national,
even if your involvement with that club is limited.

� Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, AR -