Subj : Selected Friday Nets
Date : Fri Nov 27 2015 09:35 am

 Here is a list of nets that I run, or check into for Friday.

 Other Echolink Nets during the week can be found at:

 Other D-Star Nets during the week can be found at:

 If your U.S. location stays on Standard Time year round, the net
time for your area is ONE HOUR EARLIER, when the rest of the country
is on Daylight Savings Time.

 Last minute issues may preclude my checkin to these nets, and the
nets may be cancelled during the holidays.

Daryl Stout, WX1DER


Net Name: Memphis Amateur Radio Club D-Star/D-Rats Net
Net Time: 9:30pm Eastern, 8:30pm Central, 7:30pm Mountain, 6:30pm Pacific
Net Location: Reflector 67, Port B
Net Control: Rick, KA2BSM
Comments: Net participants also meet in the #Memphis chat room on D-Rats.
To join the Chat Room in D-Rats, choose Chat, enter Join Channel, type
"Memphis" (no quotes), and press <ENTER>. The net is also on in the Memphis
Area on the W4LET repeater system. You can also list amateur radio related
equipment (D-Star or otherwise) that you want to buy, sell, or trade, on
this net.

--- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS  Little Rock, AR