Subj : Taking a community colleg
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Wed Jan 17 2024 09:42 am

> So far, it's all console input (using std::cin) and output (using std::cout),
> sic math, algorithms, and now looping constructs. There's been a lot of focus
>  stream formatting (using of <iomanip>) which in my experience is not somethin
> used much in most C++ projects, but whatever. I am learning *some* things ther
> that I hadn't used before. But I have to keep reminding myself: I'm not here t
> teach this class (or the professor) or even to get the highest score ever, jus
> to learn what's good and bad about how C++ is being taught in schools these da
> . And towards that goal, it's going good!

Sounds like the prof maybe needs to take a lesson from you and take a
refresher course.  ;)

* SLMR 2.1a * If it's Tourist Season, howcum we can't shoot 'em, Pa?

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