Subj : Any other Pythonistas out there in BBS-space? :)
To   : Feoh
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed May 17 2023 08:50 am

 Re: Any other Pythonistas out there in BBS-space? :)
 By: Feoh to All on Wed May 17 2023 02:32 am

Fe> I'm unapologetic about Python being my favorite programming language.

Fe> I'm not married to it, I'm happy to write Ruby or Bash or whatever I need
Fe> to get the job done, but Python makes me *happy* unlike any other modern
Fe> programming language I've found.

Fe> If you don't code in Python, what programming language makes you happy?

I somewhat felt that way about C++ for quite a while - Perhaps because it was one of the first programming languages I had learned (aside from BASIC before that).

I haven't used Python a whole lot, except for a couple projects (test automation and a web-based project using Flask with a Python back-end).  Over my career, much of my work actually called for C++, but for the past few years or so, many of the projects I've worked on have used C#.  I've also worked on a few Android development projects (using Kotlin and Java).

I also develop & maintain some Synchronet mods in JavaScript.


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