Subj : I haven't researched
To   : I haven't researched
From : scarletamour
Date : Thu Mar 24 2022 04:44 am

I haven't researched it very much, beyond the original links that I posted to
the content of the previous incarnation. I'd be very much interested in hearing
anything you might've heard, or having pointers to any particular resources
that you might have come across.
In my opinion, intelligence agencies are a potential source, but it doesn't
seem to add up very well. Nor does one lone savant putting all of that stuff
together for shits 'n giggles. How many people with an IQ of the level required
to do that kind of mathematical leading (not to mention coding) are going to
sit and do that _just to jerk someone around_? It doesn't jive with the notion
of that amount of intelligence, at least not in any of the exceedingly
intelligent people that I have personally known and met. Not to mention, it's
just too much effort. This isn't some kid from 4chan, methinks.

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