Subj : C is the most efficient p
To   : Nightfox
From : Boraxman
Date : Sat Dec 25 2021 09:12 am

-=> Nightfox wrote to Boraxman <=-

Ni> @MSGID: <[email protected]>
Ni> @REPLY: <[email protected]>
Ni>   Re: C is the most efficient p
Ni>   By: Boraxman to Nightfox on
Ni> Fri Dec 24 2021 10:17 pm

Bo> That code is defined by a language, a specification. What "for" and "int"
Bo> mean are defined by the language. The structure of the code is defined by
Bo> the language. That is to say, C is actually a set of rules, a formal
Bo> language that then gets converted to machine code.

Bo> But with Assembler, there is not formal Assembler specification, no
Bo> Assembly keywords, etc, they are all implementation specific.

Ni> But still, assembler for each processor is defined by the operations
Ni> that the processor understands, and there is a specific syntax for each
Ni> operation.

Ni> Nightfox
Ni> ---
Ni>  = Synchronet = Digital Distortion:

Have you ever used AT&T syntax?

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