Subj : C is the most efficient p
To   : Boraxman
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Nov 06 2021 11:37 am

 Re: C is the most efficient p
 By: Boraxman to Digital Man on Sat Nov 06 2021 07:33 pm

Bo> I wouldn't call Assembly a Language. There isn't really a language per so,
Bo> just mnemonics and instructions to the assembler itself. It is more a
Bo> system to assembly machine code, and the efficiency of assembly is heavily
Bo> dependent on the ability of the programmer.

I always thought assembly was a language, in that it consists of statements you can use to control logic and program flow.  Assembly has a 'vocabulary' of keywords (or instructions) that make up the language.  But every CPU has its own assembly.


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