Subj : C is the most efficient programming language
To   : Nightfox
From : Digital Man
Date : Tue Nov 02 2021 05:04 pm

 Re: C is the most efficient programming language
 By: Nightfox to All on Tue Nov 02 2021 09:45 am

> I haven't done much programming in pure C, but I thought this article was
> interesting.  It says C is the most efficient programming language as far as
> power consumption, speed, and memory usage:

They actually have Python over C in regards to memory usage. (!?!)

Assembly language could beat C in those same categories, but it's not a serious contender for similar reasons that C is not a serious contender for a lot of software development tasks - because there are other very important factors such as development time, verification and validation, extensibility and maintenance.

I like and use C a lot, but it's not "the most efficient programming language" for all forms of efficiency. Depending on the job, some other forms of efficiency matter more than eeking out that extra 1% of performance or resource optimization.
                                           digital man

Sling Blade quote #2:
Karl (re: killing Doyle): I hit him two good whacks in the head with it.
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