Subj : ZMODEM with QICO
To   : Digital Man
From : alterego
Date : Mon Apr 13 2020 02:08 pm

 By: Digital Man to alterego on Sun Apr 12 2020 05:53 pm

DM> Never used QICO, but ZedZap is a variant of ZMODEM. If it helps, you can
DM> look at the ZMODEM implementation we use for SEXYZ here:

So, if I'm reading your code correctly, you are not checking that you actually get the <CR> and <LF> right? (zmodem_recv_hex_header() line 1077).

If I read correctly, *if* you get the CR, you then drop the next char, which is probably the LF. But if you didnt get the CR, it doesnt matter, you return TRUE anyway... (In my case the next char is not CR but XON.

So, its sounds my fix is OK.

Another question if I may, I've noticed that the transfer is stalling each 65536 bytes. Its correctly restarting, but I was wondering if there is something that had to be done every 0xffff bytes received (and is not being done, and thus the constant resend).

Do you do anything special every 0xffff bytes received or sent?

... It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.

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