Subj : ZMODEM with QICO
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From : alterego
Date : Mon Apr 13 2020 10:28 am

Howdy, hoping somebody could help clarify something for me. Does anybody use qico (or did)?

I've been playwith qico (another ifcico ftn mailer), mainly because ifcico from the debian repositories coredumps when you change some config settings like debugging. It also looks like I can call a tossing action after received mail, which I havent figured out how to do with ifcico (unless I used cron). I'm using it to send mail to my 1995 BBS that is Portal of Power 0.62.

I noticed that ZedZap transfers wouldnt start, I started debugging the code, and noticed that a <CR> <LF> where not sent from POP with a HEX header (after the CRC) - only an XON.

I was curious as to why ifcico was working, and from it's code it looks like it doesnt check for <CR><LF> either - in fact it looks like it discards anything received after the CRC (if the CRC matches) (up to the size of the header).

So I made the a similar change for qico (I exit if I get the XON), and it works, just wondering if this the right course of action and if there are any side affects?

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