Subj : JavaScript code editor
To   : Sprite
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Dec 19 2019 11:40 am

 Re: JavaScript code editor
 By: Sprite to Digital Man on Thu Dec 19 2019 04:15 am

Sp> about an IDE for JavaScript that was capable of showing a 'code outline'
Sp> of sorts, with the different objects, methods, and properties. Well, I
Sp> guess I had used the term 'IDE' incorrectly, as I was just looking for a
Sp> code editor that would do this, but I did find one that fits the bill
Sp> pretty well if anybody else is looking for something with a little smarter
Sp> help than vim. Nothing against vim, I absolutely love it, but in a complex
Sp> project, I really do like having something with a code outline. Anyway, I
Sp> stumbled across 'visual studio code' (which, despite the name, works on
Sp> Linux as well as Doze), and it's pretty lovely. It does everything that I
Sp> was looking for, along with having a miniature outline of the entirety of

Yeah, Microsoft has been supporting Linux more lately.  I've used Visual Studio Code recently (in Linux too) and it seems fairly nice.


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