Subj : Code editor with tab-widt
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Sat Nov 23 2019 10:14 am

>Does this ring a bell with any programmers out there? Seen this feature in an e
>itor (or an editor plugin) that you've ever used?

It does but I don't remember the name.

Closest thing I can think of is PC-SPF, which was a clone of the mainframe
editor SPF.  It worked under DOS and OS/2.  You could go to a line number,
type ))#, then to the last line you wanted, do the same, and it would
indent that block of text by # spaces.  Unindent was ((#, and individual
lines were done with )# and (#, respectively.

I still have it somewhere for editing some PC-COBOL programs.

* SLMR 2.1a * What do you mean, QWK?? It took me over an hour to read!!

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