Subj : Re: C++
To   : crow
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Nov 09 2019 08:47 pm

 Re: Re: C++
 By: crow to Digital Man on Sat Nov 09 2019 02:07 pm

cr> As for C++ apparently not being "Slow" and "Bloated", are you sure that
cr> isn't the case?

cr> I mean, that's what a lot of people say. Either those people have worked
cr> with the Language and don't like it, some famous person has said it or
cr> people just hate it to be like everyone else.

Perhaps C++ is bloated compared to something like C, or slower than something like hand-optimized assembly code..  But C++ is relatively low-level compared to more modern languages like Java and C#, and being a compiled language, it's certainly faster than something like Python, Ruby, etc..


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