Subj : Re: C++
To   : Nightfox
From : Retro Guy
Date : Sat Nov 09 2019 09:32 am

Nightfox wrote:

> I also seem to remember hearing that some people had the opinion that
learning C first could actually teach some bad habits, as far as making you
used to non-object-oriented programming, which might make it more difficult to
get used to OO programming with other languages later.

To me that makes sense. I taught myself C in probably 1993 for a project
for work, and continued with the language for years. Moving to C++ just
doesn't click for me, I have a lot of trouble with object-oriented
programming no matter how much I try to force myself.

Maybe if I had learned C++ first it would make more sense. Then moving to
C shouldn't be difficult as C++ is loaded with C. Now I just stick with
php :)

Retro Guy

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