Subj : C++
To   : Digital Man
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Nov 08 2019 03:37 pm

 Re: C++
 By: Digital Man to crow on Fri Nov 08 2019 01:20 pm

DM> Knowing C really should be a prerequisite for any C++ programmer, so I
DM> definitely think it's a good thing to learn (the K&R book and sites like

When I was learning programming/software engineering, the college I started off at taught C++ from the start, with maybe one class using C later (mainly for having us program our own data structures).  While learning C++, some knowlege of C was taught as well (which I think is required, since C++ can make use of most C headers and code).  I don't think not fully learning C first hampered anything though.

I also seem to remember hearing that some people had the opinion that learning C first could actually teach some bad habits, as far as making you used to non-object-oriented programming, which might make it more difficult to get used to OO programming with other languages later.

As far as speed, I've heard some people think the STL in C++ is slow and they like to avoid it.  I think the STL is very poweful though, and is one of the best features of the C++ standard library, along with the algorithms included with the <algorithm> header.  It seems to me they did what they can to make the STL fast via the use of templates, which resolve types at compile-time, which is faster than doing so at runtime.


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