Subj : Re: CTRL+A Codes for SBBS
To   : DaiTengu
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Jan 10 2019 02:16 pm

 Re: Re: CTRL+A Codes for SBBS
 By: DaiTengu to Vk3jed on Thu Jan 10 2019 12:43 pm

Da> I re-did my menus a few weeks back using PabloDraw, I'm having a heck of a
Da> time trying to fit everything in. The Default Sync classic menu has no
Da> room for any extra commands :(

Da> I go back and forth between wanting to create an entirely new menuset from
Da> scratch, and just modifying the default one, because that's what people
Da> are familiar with.

I don't think it matters if people are familiar with a particular BBS package's
menu design.  In fact, I think you definitely should customize your BBS's
menus, since that helps make your BBS unique.  The way I see it is that the
default menus are an example of what the BBS package can do, and it's up to you
to customize it to your liking.  Leaving the stock menus means it will look
just like every other stock Synchronet BBS, which is not really interesting..
It's good to see something different and unique.

Back in the 90s, at least with other BBS software, I always thought customizing
the menus was necessary anyway.  Other BBS packages I used didn't have an
internal configured list of doors like Synchronet does, so it was necessary to
customize your menus to add commands to run the various doors you wanted to set
up for your BBS.  So it was always natural to me to customize the menus, and
not use the stock menus.

With Synchronet, the stock menus are not really how I envisioned my BBS to be
laid out anyway.  When I brought up my current BBS in 2007, I wanted my menus
to operate and look similar to how I had my BBS menus in my original BBS in the
90s, so I created my own command shell and menu ANSIs for Synchronet.
Initially I was able to re-use many of the ANSIs I had from my 90s BBS,
modified a bit for use with my Synchronet command shell.

Da> Ultimately I'd love to do a lightbar style menu, but I'm absolutely
Da> rubbish at design and User Interfaces.

There is a lightbar shell included with Synchronet - See lbshell.js (and its
wrapper, lbshell.src, which is a Baja script that just runs the .js shell).


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