Subj : CTRL+A Codes for SBBS
To   : Jagossel
From : Digital Man
Date : Wed Jan 09 2019 02:08 am

 Re: CTRL+A Codes for SBBS
 By: Jagossel to All on Tue Jan 08 2019 08:14 am

> I have been thinking about adding the ability to import and export text
> files using the CTRL+A codes to Cobalt (my own ANSI art program). However,
> I am not even sure where to begin.
> 1) What is the file format called?

Synchronet Ctrl-A format, I guess.

> 2) Is it just exclusive to Synchronet?

That I know of.

> 3) Is there a specs document available?

Sure, several by now. (latest most accurate)

> 4) If possible, where can I find a viewer?

SyncDraw, PabloDraw, and asc2ans would be good starters.

> 5) Would this feature be something a SysOp would be interested in?

We could also use more/better ANSI/block art generators!

> The reason why this came up is because I tried to set up my own BBS using
> Synchronet, but when I was poking around the files to see if I can start
> customizing it, I noticed that the files for some of the screens where
> using the CTRL+A codes. The issue is that PabloDraw doesn't support it,
> so I wouldn't know if Cobalt would export it correctly or not.

PabloDraw *does* support the Synchronet Ctrl-A format.

                                           digital man

This Is Spinal Tap quote #9:
David St. Hubbins: I mean, it's not your job to be as confused as Nigel.
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