Subj : CTRL+A Codes for SBBS
To   : Jagossel
From : echicken
Date : Tue Jan 08 2019 10:30 am

 Re: CTRL+A Codes for SBBS
 By: Jagossel to All on Tue Jan 08 2019 08:14:00

Ja> I have been thinking about adding the ability to import and export text
Ja> files using the CTRL+A codes to Cobalt (my own ANSI art program). However,

Ja> 1) What is the file format called?

They're typically saved as .asc or .msg files, but I don't think there's a
special name for the format.

Ja> 2) Is it just exclusive to Synchronet?

I can't remember seeing them anywhere else; maybe someone else has.

Ja> 3) Is there a specs document available?

Ja> 4) If possible, where can I find a viewer?

I doubt if there is one, apart from just displaying the file on a Synchronet
BBS.  In Javascript that'd be something like:


Ja> 5) Would this feature be something a SysOp would be interested in?

We already have the ans2asc and asc2ans utilities included with Synchronet.
Someone might want this since it would save them a conversion step.

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