Subj : Re: Python
To   : Kirkman
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Dec 14 2018 05:30 pm

 Re: Re: Python
 By: Kirkman to Nightfox on Tue Dec 11 2018 09:26 pm

Ki> This is something I love about Python, personally.

Ki> Make sure you don't mix spaces and tabs for indentation in your code, or
Ki> Python will likely complain.

I like that it helps keep code consistent, but one downside that bugs me is
that text editors often assume you want to continue your indented code block in
Python, and Python doesn't use curly braces, which text editors often use with
other languages to know when you're done with a code block.  In other
languages, text editors can even know you're done with a one-line block of code
without curly braces since that's how other programming languages work.


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