Subj : Language to Transition To From BASIC?
To   : Deavmi
From : Nightfox
Date : Mon Nov 19 2018 10:11 am

 Re: Language to Transition To From BASIC?
 By: Deavmi to Deavmi on Sun Nov 18 2018 12:09 pm

De> Also as someone learning C and also x86 as a product of that it really
De> makes you learn a lot.

By "x86", do you mean x86 assembly code?  You would learn a lot, but unless you
have a job or something where you really need to program in assembly code, you
might not use it much.  I had a couple of x86 assembly classes in college and
have not used assembly since then.  Also I tend to write a lot more code in C++
rather than C.


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