Subj : Re: Java
To   : Nightfox
From : Chai
Date : Thu Nov 15 2018 03:38 pm

-=> Nightfox wrote to Chai <=-

Ch> So, I'm a little late getting this info, but apparently Oracle is going to
Ch> start charging for updates to the Java platform. I was just curious if any

Ni> Wat?  I haven't heard of this.  As someone else asked, I'm curious if
Ni> that's for the runtime or if it's for the JDK.

I got the notification when I updated my Java VM.  I do have the SDK
Personal licenses are still free until the year 2020.  Business's will have
to obtain a commercial license.  I thought maybe at first, it might only
apply to Java SE version 8, as that was what I had installed.
But, I came across this:


I've read that they will try to make the process for OpenJDK interchangeable,
so companies can still go that route, lacking support and enterprise
management tools.

I'll do further research to see exactly what this implies.
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