Subj : Modern BASIC languages
To   : Jagossel
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Sep 22 2018 11:37 pm

 Re: Modern BASIC languages
 By: Jagossel to Gorkh on Sat Sep 22 2018 08:24 pm

Ja> I, for one, whole-heartedly accepted FreeBASIC to write DOS programs in.
Ja> The dialect is different, but FreeBASIC can be compatible with QBasic
Ja> programs well, amomg the FreeBASIC compiler, FBC, has a parameter set.

I remember using QBasic to write some fairly simple programs for DOS back in
the day.  I wrote a couple screen-saver like things that would do things like
draw circles in expanding/contracting sizes and with different colors and such.

And with MS-DOS 5, I remember compiling the 'Gorilla' game with QBasic and
having fun playing it (that was the artillery-like game where you had a gorilla
character and had to throw bananas at the other players).


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