Subj : Modern BASIC languages
To   : Gorkh
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Sep 22 2018 03:39 pm

 Re: Modern BASIC languages
 By: Gorkh to All on Sun Sep 23 2018 04:25 am

Go> Hey, does anyone tinker with these modern BASIC languages?

I didn't think there was really a modern BASIC programming language..  Can you
give an example of a "modern BASIC"?  And I'm wondering if Microsoft's Visual
Basic even counts, since that language is fairly well-featured and ties into
.NET now, so it shares a lot of features with the other .NET languages..

Go> Back in the day, BASIC was not 'viable' for many projects, because only
Go> machine language had the speed required. Then C++ was created, and as
Go> computers got faster, people were able to program all kinds of things with
Go> it.

They didn't go directly from machine language to C++..  There was a language
called C in between there, which came before C++.  C has sometimes been called
"portable assembly" since it builds for many platforms but is still a language
for making fairly fast software (including operating systems).


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