Subj : Modern BASIC languages
To   : All
From : Gorkh
Date : Sun Sep 23 2018 04:25 am

Hey, does anyone tinker with these modern BASIC languages?

Back in the day, BASIC was not 'viable' for many projects, because only machine
language had the speed required. Then C++ was created, and as computers got
faster, people were able to program all kinds of things with it.

But now that computer speed is not a limitation to BASIC anymore, you can do
almost anything with it, at least 2D-wise.

Some people's brains can't handle the abstraction overload of programming, but
BASIC language gives them an opportunity to dabble with it anyway. I am one of
those people. Without BASIC, I couldn't program.

I started with the Commodore 8-bit computers, and their easy-to-understand
BASIC syntax and user-friendliness of the I/O stuff (on the Atari, you have to
actually load a separate DOS to be even able to see what's on a floppy!).

Of course, back in the day, the BASIC was slow, and the computers had
limitations. But nowadays I am able to more freely express myself in

Modern BASIC languages basically (no pun intended) allow me to do what I did
back in the day, but without all those limitations, AND 'fast enough'.

Some BASICs even allow wonderful things, like alphablend, that helps when
trying to create Westwood-like moody atmospheres (Eye of the BEholder II intro,
for example).

Modern BASIC languages are, for me, a dream come true. They allow me to
continue the 'programming path' I started with the eight-bit computers, and to
realize everything I was dreaming of realizing back then.

Are there any other people here, whose brain is more of the
'absent-minded-artist'-variety rather than the programmer-typical
'super-efficient-miracle-mathprocessor', and who appreciate the modern BASIC

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