Subj : WinSock
To   : Nightfox
From : Jon Justvig
Date : Tue Jun 12 2018 06:23 pm

 Re: WinSock
 By: Nightfox to Jon Justvig on Tue Jun 12 2018 09:26 am

JJ>> Indentations has no meaning in source code except cosmetically.

Ni> Yes, but indentations in C/C++ are typically done for separate code
Ni> blocks. If you indent code randomly, then it is more difficult to read.

Normally, I use good indentations for functions and code inside like while or
do loops, etc... The code I posted isn't difficult to read.  I understand if it
were more complex then I could understand you pointing it out.  Anyway, I'm
more interested in getting the code working... :|

Jon Justvig
Stepping Stone BBS

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