Subj : InterBBSing in C++
To   : cr1mson
From : John Guillory
Date : Tue Feb 20 2018 12:27 pm

 Re: InterBBSing in C++
 By: cr1mson to Xucaen on Mon Feb 19 2018 08:53 pm

Xu>> Jon, I'm just curious, I'm not familiar with interBBS, what would be
Xu>> involved with such a thing? Is it a way to send data to another BBS
Xu>> that runs the same game or is it something else? I might be
Xu>> interested in working on such a project.
     Why not use the DoveNet Data message area for that?

cr> Hadn't checked on this sub-board in awhile and caught this message.
cr> InterBBSing is a feature that involves two or more BBSes, such as a League
cr> game. Exchanging data between systems. My main issue is the creation of
cr> game packets with proper filenames. I am thinking of a system where it
cr> takes the first couple characters of the filename for the game, then the
cr> other 6 for a time/date system and then an extention of the league number.
cr> So it would be something like LG??????.316, the ? being the data/time
cr> characters.
    Why store the date and time in the filename, when the file has the
date/time stored in the creation date/time field?  That'd give you 6 additional
letters for the name of the game packet.  I still think that the data message
area would be the most ideal method for a multi-game packet.

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